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Artwork for AccessHC Reconciliation Action Plan

We are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and designers who are interested in creating an original artwork to be used for resources related to AccessHC’s RAP.

Expressions of interest are due by Monday 10 April 2023 

Download the AccessHC RAP Artwork – Commissioning Brief (pdf).

Who we are

AccessHC is a not-for-profit community health organisation, with a 150-year history of supporting communities in Melbourne’s eastern and northern metropolitan regions. We have 18 locations across Melbourne, providing a diverse range of health services, including GP, dental care, allied health, child and family services and alcohol and other drug services. We also operate a range of community organisations including Camcare, Hawthorn Community House and Manningham Men’s Shed.

Our purpose is to build healthier lives together. We work within the community to proactively connect with and remove barriers for hardly-reached community members to health care services. Please refer to the ‘About us’ document attached for more information about our history and our reconciliation journey.

Artist’s brief 

We are seeking an artwork that aligns to the themes reflected in our forthcoming Reflect RAP vision statement: building relationships, working with respect, and creating opportunities for celebration and collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We would also like this artwork to highlight AccessHC’s values of Equity, Collaboration, Respect, Innovation and Quality, and/or our purpose of ‘Building healthier lives together’.  

AccessHC are open to applications for licensing an existing piece of art, or creating a bespoke artwork, specifically for our RAP document. 

The artwork will be used for the cover of the AccessHC RAP, throughout the document and within associated resources in printed and digital formats, including in AccessHC’s social media and printed collateral. The RAP will be published on the Reconciliation Australia website, visible for the public to view.  

The artwork may also be licensed separately for use in design features across AccessHC’s sites, such as carpets, wall panels, and/or upholstery applications. 

The aim of the artwork is to provide visual representation of AccessHC’s commitment to reconciliation. Individual and collaborative artworks are accepted, as well as contemporary and/or traditional art forms. 

The artist’s work will be recognised in our Reflect RAP in a section about the artist and the artwork. This will provide the artist an opportunity to express their art and story through words.  

Size and format 

  • Two-dimensional canvas painting/digital design 
  • As an indication, minimum dimensions for a canvas painting or digital design are 50 x 70cm. The dimensions will be agreed upon before the artwork creation begins, however the artwork must be able to be repeated indefinitely. 
  • Incorporation of AccessHC’s colour palette – to be used according to the artist’s interpretation. 
  • Capacity for components of design/artwork to be represented independently or collectively as a means of telling our Reconciliation story. 

Terms and conditions – licensed piece 

  • The successful artist will receive a fee of $5,000 to license an artwork for use in AccessHC’s RAP.  
  • The artwork will be reproduced digitally and used on resources related to AccessHC’s RAP.  
  • AccessHC may also license the artwork separately to be displayed across AccessHC sites across the eastern and northern metropolitan regions Melbourne and use of components of the artwork for website design, collateral and design features of our physical sites.  
  • The chosen artist will maintain copyright ownership of the artwork.  

Terms and conditions – commissioned piece  

  • The artist will receive a fee up to $15,000 to design a bespoke piece for use in AccessHC’s RAP. One-third is payable to the artist upon acceptance of the design, with the remaining two-thirds payable upon delivery of the final artwork.  
  • The artwork will be reproduced digitally and used on resources related to AccessHC’s RAP.  
  • AccessHC may also license the artwork separately to be displayed across AccessHC sites across the eastern and northern metropolitan regions of Melbourne and use of components of the artwork for website design, collateral and design features of our physical sites.  
  • The chosen artist will maintain copyright ownership of the artwork. 

How to submit an EOI 

To apply, please submit: 

  • A short statement about yourself, including your full name, your connection to Country, your address, contact number and email
  • A4 size concept of your intended artwork, submitted on paper or as an email attachment (drawings or photos of the design concept are accepted)
  • A statement describing your proposed design and its story (written or verbal)
  • Examples of previous work (pictures/photos) to show us your style (if designing a bespoke artwork)

Selection process 

EOIs will be assessed by a panel of up to 10 people who are members of AccessHC’s Board, Executive and RAP Working Group, and community partners. Panel members will include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other members and conflicts of interest will be disclosed (if any).  

Each EOI will be assessed on the following criteria: 

  • Demonstrated relevance of the design to AccessHC’s RAP and reconciliation  
  • Capacity to work to meet the required timelines (if designing a bespoke artwork). 

Submissions from Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung artists will be prioritised but all submissions will be taken into consideration.  


  • Submissions of the EOI close on Monday 10 April 2023. 
  • The successful applicant will be announced by Monday 24 April 2023. 
  • Submission and final delivery of final artwork by successful applicant by Monday 22 May 2023.  

Successful submission 

The successful applicant will be eligible to receive a fee of: 

Licensing existing artwork 

  • $5,000 exclusive of GST for use of the artwork in the AccessHC RAP.   

Designing bespoke artwork 

  • Up to $15,000 exclusive of GST (one-third is payable to the artist on acceptance of the design with the balance of two-thirds payable to the artist upon delivery of the final artwork).  

Lodgment details 

Please submit all applications to:  

Attn Louisa Cahill
Access Health and Community 
378 Burwood Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122  

Or via email to: louisa.cahill@accesshc.org.au 

Enquiry contact 

Louisa Cahill (she/her)
Program Coordinator Community Impact
Ph: (03) 8850 4172
Email: Louisa.cahill@accesshc.org.au  

Terms and conditions in relation to the Commissioned Artwork 

  • The project will require the artist to enter into a contractual agreement with AccessHC which will set out the approved use of the artwork.  
  • The value of the fee/commission to the successful applicant is: 
    • For licensed artwork: $5,000 (GST exclusive) upon receipt of the artwork. 
    • For a commissioned artwork: up to $15,000 (GST exclusive) as per the agreed contract on the following schedule: one-third payable to the artist upon acceptance of the design; and two-thirds payable to the artist upon delivery of the final artwork. 
  • The artist will always be formally recognised as the artist of the artwork and maintain copyright ownership.  
  • The artist can use the artwork for their own personal business activities which includes the following: 
    • Promotion of their artistic works and style 
    • Use on their websites and social media as an example of their work but not as part of their website/logo design.  
  • The artists agrees that the artwork will not be reproduced, sold or used by any other entity without the agreement of AccessHC.  
  • AccessHC may separately license the use and reproduction of the artwork and/or a portion of the artwork in its promotional activities and materials.  
  • The artist on signing of any document is accepting the Terms and Conditions of the licensing/commissioning and future use of the artwork by AccessHC.  

Unsuccessful EOI submissions 

  • The EOI will be returned to the applicant within one month of the successful EOI being selected. 

AccessHC will take all care in relation to the safekeeping of the submitted artwork but no responsibility will be accepted in the event of loss or damage. 

AccessHC colours 

Where possible, the following colours should be incorporated into the artwork to align with AccessHC’s branding. Please refer to the primary palette as first reference.  

Colour palate

About Us 

Access Health and Community was established as the Richmond Dispensary on Church Street, Richmond in 1869. Its purpose was to care for the health needs of Richmond’s poor. In its 150-year history, the organisation was known as the Richmond Day Hospital, Richmond Community Health Centre, Inner East Community Health Service, and as we know it today, Access Health and Community (AccessHC). 

We have grown over the past century to include services such as Medical, Allied Health, Mental Health, Integrated Family Services, Alcohol and other Drugs, and Health Promotion. Today, we offer a variety of health and community services across eastern and northern metropolitan Melbourne, proactively connecting with and removing barriers for hardly-reached communities to access health care services. 

All of our services are delivered on the land of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people. We are committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations to ensure our services are delivered in a culturally safe, respectful and responsive way.  

We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and are formalising this commitment through development of our Reconciliation Action Plan. We have collaborated with healthAbility, our community partner, under the Connect4Health alliance to develop a joint vision for reconciliation: 

Our vision for reconciliation is an Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience equitable health and social outcomes. Our hope is that this will contribute to achieving unity and creating a society that values and recognises Aboriginal cultures and heritage as part of our identity.  

Our Reflect RAP will contribute to achieving reconciliation and make a measurable difference in providing services that positively impact the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We will achieve this through seeking an understanding of and acknowledging histories and injustices that have impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples. We will support the active expression of culture to build strong, trusting relationships, and apply culturally appropriate practice within our work. 

For Access Health and Community, this represents working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to create a welcoming and safe place for everyone at our services, removing barriers to make it easier for people to connect with us. 

While we continue to reflect on, acknowledge and learn from our history, we are seeking to commission an artwork that looks toward the future and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and perspectives. 

The successful candidate will be invited to meet with representatives from AccessHC to learn more about our organisation and our journey towards reconciliation to inform the artwork. 

For further information on our organisation and our history, please visit our website.

Download the AccessHC RAP Artwork – Commissioning Brief (PDF). 


Contact us

    After-hours contacts

    For after-hours assistance regarding AccessHC property and security call 0466 501 902.

    For after-hours medical care call 134100.

    Find out more

    For further information contact Louisa Cahill, Program Coordinator Community Impact, on (03) 8850 4172 or email Louisa.cahill@accesshc.org.au