Educator Registration
Plain Language Statement and Consent
Why are we doing this project?
Research tells us that set gender roles can lead to gender inequality – one of the key factors leading to men’s violence against women. Challenging gender stereotypes can help children to build respectful and equal relationships, express emotions in a healthy way and promotes gender equity.
Free to Be Me (F2BM) is an online program that aims to support early childhood services and educators to create environments where children can be free to be whoever they are, without the restriction of gender stereotypes.
Data collection
We are seeking your consent to collect and use the information you provide in the F2BM online program (including future use), to evaluate the impact of the program. Evaluation is an opportunity for us to learn how well this program supports early childhood services to provide an environment that promotes gender equity and challenges gender stereotypes.
The information we plan to collect and use for the evaluation include:
- Registration details:
- Name (first & surname)
- Role title
- Phone number
- Completed surveys:
- These surveys will help us assess the effectiveness of the program.
- Completed Assessment Tools and Quality Improvement Plans:
- These tools will help us understand if the program has led to positive changes in your service’s practices.
- Youtube and website analytics:
- This data will include information about clicks, such as page views, data entry, document upload or download, and hyperlinks. It will help us understand how participants interact with our online portal.
Future use of the data, specifically aggregated data from completed surveys, assessment tools and quality improvement plans and YouTube and website analytics, may include:
- publishing to add to the gender equity and health promotion evidence base
- Analysing the pre and post survey results to learn about changes in different groups over time
- Sharing in our organisational annual report and other prevention publications
- Sharing with agencies that are measuring collective impact, for example Women’s Health East, Department of Health.
Privacy and confidentiality
Access Health and Community (AccessHC) is dedicated to protecting your privacy. We will collect, store and manage the information you provide for program evaluation only, in line with the Privacy Act 1988.
Data Storage and security
Your information will be stored within the password-protected online platform. This information may be accessed and downloaded from a password-protected administration site by permitted persons only. Any data downloaded for evaluation purposes will be stored securely on the AccessHC workplace system only. Data collected for this program will be stored for at least seven years, after which it will be securely destroyed.
Data Sharing
De-identified data may be shared with permitted staff at AccessHC (and partner organisations healthAbility (hA) and Link Health and Community (LinkHC) for program evaluation purposes. A summary of the evaluation may be provided to you upon request.
Information collected for this program, including a de-identified summary of survey responses, assessment tool information, and quality improvement plans, may be published to add to the gender equity and health promotion evidence base. All information will be de-identified in any published material to ensure your privacy is protected.
Access to information
You have the right to access your own information upon request – you can reach out directly to the Privacy Officer at
What happens when you choose not to provide information?
Taking part in this program is voluntary. If you choose not to provide some or all the information in the program, it will not impact your involvement in the program. You may withdraw at any point, without impacting any other services or partnership with AccessHC, hA or LinkHC. Your service manager has agreed that all staff have the ability to choose to participate or not to participate in the program or the evaluation, and that it will not negatively affect your employment status, role or relationships within the workplace.Note that once you have completed the program and evaluation data is de-identified, your data cannot be withdrawn.