Home / NDIS programs for plan managers

NDIS programs for plan managers

If you’re a plan manager, our community programs provide opportunities for clients to participate in group programs that encourage creative expression and community engagement.   

About NDIS Programs 

The NDIS programs include music groups, walking groups, art clubs and much more. 

The programs are focused on: 

  • active participation 
  • learning new skills 
  • developing social connections. 

If you’re interested, you can try out a free session with your client and discuss your client’s goals with us. 

Fees and more information 

The fees are charged at the rate listed in the NDIS price guide. Most of our programs run during Victorian state school terms.

Please contact through the following phone numbers to learn more or make a booking.

Hawthorn Community House: 9819 2629

Trentwood at the Hub: 9006 6590

Manningham Men’s Shed: 9840 1681

Contact us

    After-hours contacts

    For after-hours assistance regarding AccessHC property and security call 0466 501 902.

    For after-hours medical care call 134100.

    Make a booking or find out more

    Please contact through the following phone numbers to learn more or make a booking.

    Hawthorn Community House: 9819 2629

    Trentwood at the Hub: 9006 6590

    Manningham Men's Shed: 9840 1681