Ways of thinking. Ways of doing.

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AccessHC has been involved with the Ways of Thinking, Ways of Doing (WoTWoD) research project. We have been increasing the appropriateness of our services to people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds.
Working with researchers from the University of Melbourne and cultural mentors from the Wurundjeri People, the project improves the cultural and clinical appropriateness of community health services and general practices.
AccessHC has worked to increase staff awareness of services and resources for indigenous clients, raised the importance of identifying indigeneity across the organisation and provided staff training to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island clients receive care responsive to their individual needs.
The diversity committee has also been actively working on the organisational diversity plan and has coordinated events and training for staff regarding an inclusive approach for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community, people with disabilities, and people with dementia. The diversity committee has also aligned with the health promotion team on projects that address gender inequality as a probable cause of family violence.
Download our Diversity news article (PDF, 272 KB)