Access Health and Community run a number of social support groups for people over 65. These groups provide opportunities to get out and about, to make new friends and to stay socially engaged and active. You can download our brochure with the calendar here.
About Enjoying Poetry Together
Poetry enthusiasts read through a number of poems and discuss them. A light morning tea is provided.
Date and time: Second Wednesday of each month, approximately 10.30am – 12.00pm (please refer to the calendar above for the dates).
Location: Greythorn Community Hub, 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North
Registering and Cancelling
You must register for each program you wish to attend. You can register by:
- Calling 8595 4596, or
- Emailing
Bus outings are booked on an ad-hoc basis, subject to availability. Bus outings are extremely popular and places are limited. To ensure everyone is able to participate you may not book into consecutive outings.
Programs are $6 per session with My Aged Care referral, including a light morning tea.
Senior Carers Group are $16 per session.
Invoices are issued monthly.

For booking or more information
Please call (3) 8595 4596,
or email us at