A mix of chair-based and standing low-intensity exercise. Classes incorporate resistance and light weight-bearing to maintain bone density, muscle strength, and general health and wellbeing.
Suitable for those aged 65 and over.
Time: Monday, 11am
Wednesday, 10.30am
Friday, 11am
Dates: 11 October-13 December
Location: Hawthorn Community House, 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North
Registering and Cancelling
You must register for each program you wish to attend. You can register by:
- Calling 9819 2629, or
- Emailing info@hch.org.au
Participants book into programs on an ongoing basis. You must give us at least 48 hours notice if you will not be attending. Late cancellations will be charged. Exceptions to this may be made in some circumstances at the Team Leader’s discretion.
Program cost is $130 for 10 week block or $100 with My Aged Care referral.
Invoices are issued monthly.