Expression of Interest – Community Advisory Committee Member
AccessHC and Inspiro are inviting people from the Yarra Ranges community to join the AccessHC Community Advisory Committee.

The Opportunity
Access Health and Community and Inspiro Community Health are merging to continue to support the health and wellbeing needs of their catchments across Eastern Melbourne and the Yarra Ranges.
The Access Health and Community (AccessHC) Community Advisory Committee is a subcommittee of the AccessHC Board. It currently consists of seven community members and is looking forward to inviting three new members from the current Inspiro Community Health Community Advisory Group and/or the Yarra Ranges community to join it in supporting community engagement and consumer participation for our combined organisation.
We are seeking Expressions of Interest for three vacant positions, that will continue to provide a focus and strong voice for the health and wellbeing needs of the Yarra Ranges community.
The Committee meets four (4) times per year for 2.0 hours (currently on a Thursday 5.30pm-7.30pm). Meetings are held in-person and rotate around the organisations’ various sites (which will now include Yarra Ranges locations). Support and assistance can be provided to attend in-person (e.g. assistance with organising transport, attending with a carer, accessibility requirements, interpreter).
Appointed Community Advisors sitting on the Community Advisory Committee will receive an Annual Honorarium payment of $480.00. This payment is in recognition of the commitment made at Committee meetings and should not be construed as an employee relationship.
The three positions will be three-year appointments, and members may re-nominate at the end of this term with a maximum term of six years. The attached Terms of Reference contain further details on the Committee’s role, function and process.
Community Advisors fulfil an essential governance role. Key responsibilities include:
- Advise the Board of Directors on priority areas and issues identified as requiring a consumer, carer and community perspective.
- Ensure diverse community, carer and consumer perspectives are taken into account to inform decision making through sharing lived experience, knowledge, information, needs and issues.
- Support the organisation to understand and connect with diverse community groups, including those who are vulnerable or hardly reached by services.
- Provide advice for the development of the Community Engagement Framework and Action Plan, and discuss its implementation, continual monitoring and effectiveness.
- Provide advice on strategic business plan projects as outlined in the Committee Workplan.
- Reflect on good-practice and quality community engagement and consumer participation as outlined in organisational reports, accreditation standards, funding agreements and other requirements.
- Participate in the organisation’s strategic planning processes and provide input into strategic priorities.
- Facilitate two-way communication between the Board, Community Advisory Committee Members, staff and community groups/networks members participate in.
Skills and Experience
AccessHC is seeking community advisors with a genuine commitment to serving the needs of the local community and providing accessible health and wellbeing services for all.
Community advisors contribute lived experience, local knowledge and expertise, and consumer, carer and/or community perspectives. Their key role is to reflect on and present community needs and issues, rather than focusing on personal concerns or individual issues.
Committee membership will reflect the diverse range of communities and service areas across the current AccessHC and Inspiro Community Health catchments.
Networking and connections with other community based organisations, particularly those representing diverse or hardly reached communities, and/or lived experience as a consumer is highly valued.
Conflicts of interest will be noted, and candidates with links to our funders are not usually accepted.
To Apply
Please submit your application outlining the skills and experience you have that you could bring to the Community Advisory Committee. This could be in the form of a letter or resume, depending on your preferences.
If you have any questions about the position or to apply please email and we will arrange for the appropriate person to respond.
Key Dates
Applications close: COB Monday 10 February 2025
Interviews conducted: Week commencing 17 February 2025
Successful candidates notified: Week commencing 24 February 2025
First Community Advisory Committee meeting: Thursday 6 March 2025
Access Health and Community is a Child Safe Organisation. Successful applicants will be required to obtain a Victorian Working with Children Check and complete a Police Check prior to appointment.
Access Health and Community actively encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, people living with a disability and people from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background.
Download this information: Expressions of Interest – AccessHC Community Advisory Committee 2025
Further information
If you have any questions about the position or to apply please email