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What’s happening in Children’s Week 2021?

Children’s Week 2021 celebrates the right for children to enjoy childhood and recognise their talents, skills and achievements, and the right for them to choose their own friends and connect safely with others.

We are celebrating Children’s Week by inviting all children living in Boroondara and neighbouring suburbs to join in lots of events (currently scheduled to run online).

Ways to play workshops

Brought to you by EDVOS, in partnership with City of Boroondara, Craig Family Centre, Access Health and Community and Boroondara Maternal Child Health, these workshops are intended for families with children aged 0-6 years in the City of Boroondara.

These workshops are FREE to Boroondara families as part of the Children’s Week celebrations. They are designed to bring families together, build connections and learn new ways to interact with your babies, toddlers and/or pre-schoolers. They encourage children to play in a variety of ways that support their learning and development and are free from gender stereotypes. You and your children will learn that activities, colours and emotions are great for everyone!

Each family will be given a free play kit to take home. It contains play equipment, resources and a play book to continue the fun after the workshop.

Session numbers are limited so register NOW!

Wednesday 27 October & Thursday 28 October
Ways to play at City of Boroondara
For information and booking: Ways to play | City of Boroondara

Friday 29 October
Ways to play at Craig Family Centre
For information and booking click here.

Poetry competition

Run by the Craig Family Centre this competition is for children aged 6-12 years in Ashburton and neighbouring suburbs. Send a poem that tells us:

  • how you safely stayed connected with your friends during lockdown
  • what you are most looking forward to after lockdown, or
  • your reflections on 2021 more broadly.

Entries are NOW OPEN and will close on Sunday 31 October. Click here to enter.

Photo and story competition – for children aged 0-12 years in North Balwyn and neighbouring suburbs

Run by the Greythorn Hub partners.

Take a photo and share your story about:

  • what you have been doing in lockdown
  • how you have safely connected with friends.

Entries are NOW OPEN and will close on Wednesday 20 October.

Click on the flyer below to enter. There are lots of terrific prizes to be won!

Photo and story competition – for children aged 0-12 years in Manningham & Whitehorse

Run by the Child & Family Team at Access Health & Community.

Take a photo and share your story about:

  • what you have been doing in lockdown
  • how you have safely connected with friends.

Entries are NOW OPEN and will close on Sunday 31 October.

Click on the flyer below to enter. There are lots of terrific prizes to be won!

Poster about the Manningham competition

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    03 9810 3000. We are here to help.