Ancestry for Beginners
Join Lee, our genealogy guru and solve your family mysteries
and learn some research tips and tricks. Discover broader
family connections, stories and more family photos. This four-week course will cover the basics to get you started to find
more about your family tree, and how to link the relationships
between people in your family over generations. Some notes
included. Small group sessions so bookings are essential.
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Date: Thursdays, 6 March – 27 March 2025
Location: Greythorn Community Hub, 2 Centre Way
Balwyn North
Registering and Cancelling
You must register for each program you wish to attend. You can register by:
- Calling 9006 6590, or
- Emailing
Participants book into programs on an ongoing basis. You must give us at least 48 hours notice if you will not be attending. Late cancellations will be charged. Exceptions to this may be made in some circumstances at the Team Leader’s discretion.

For booking or more information
Please call 9006 6590, or email us at