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Therapeutic Creative Writing and Storytelling Workshops for Carers

Thursday 2 May 2024 - Tuesday 24 Dec 2024


Waiting list now open

If you have missed the initial sign-up, you can now join the waiting list for this workshop series to join a later session.


Are you a carer? You might be interested in our free creative writing workshops.

These fun and nurturing creative writing workshops will introduce you to a range of writing styles such as freewriting, poetry, memoir and fiction-writing, allowing for the development of creative self-expression, storytelling skills and supportive peer dynamics.

Sessions are led by award-winning published writer Karen McKnight who has lived experience as a carer and has spent many years helping individuals and groups to find their voice, tell their stories and raise awareness in the wider community through writing.

Workshop program

Week 1: Stream of consciousness

Letting go of the rules of writing through a range of intuitive, right brain techniques. These work towards reconnecting to oneself, one’s values and to what makes life meaningful.

Week 2: Discovering your story

Compiling lists of significant moments and turning points in your life as a way of mapping your journey, observing patterns and discovering the stories you want to tell.

Week 3: The Hero’s Journey, story structure & fictionalising

Retelling one’s story as a character on a Hero’s Journey using a structure which is empowering and enlightening can resolve concerns about privacy.

Week 4: The power of poetry as a therapeutic tool

An introduction to list poetry, Beat poets and poetry prompts to create moving and powerful spoken word poems. Living the Writer’s Life: An overview of peer led writing groups, and where to from here.

How to sign up?

Please click here to join the waiting list.

You can download the information flyer here.

Any questions, please contact:

Phone: 8850 4136

Email: chuck.cheng@accesshc.org.au

For booking or more information

Please call (03) 8850 4136

Or email us.

For booking or more information

Please call (03) 8850 4136

Or email us.

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