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Tai Chi for older adults

Friday 7 Feb 2025 - Friday 4 Apr 2025

2 Centre Way, Balwyn North VIC, Australia

Tai Chi for older adults

With its gentle movements and focus on mindfulness and
relaxation, tai chi is the perfect exercise for older adults.
If you’re new to tai chi or have limited experience, don’t
worry it’s a gentle and low-impact exercise suitable for
everyone. For seniors in particular, it can have significant
benefits. It focuses on muscle control, stability, balance, and
flexibility. It’s a practice that involves a slow series of gentle
movements, emphasising good posture and a meditative
state of mind – with slow controlled breathing. This class is
specifically designed for older adults and the movements
can be done in a chair or holding a chair for support.

Time: Fridays, 10:00am – 11:00am

Dates: 7 February – 4 April 2025

Location: Greythorn Community Hub, 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North 

Registering and Cancelling

You must register for each program you wish to attend. You can register by:

Participants book into programs on an ongoing basis. You must give us at least 48 hours notice if you will not be attending. Late cancellations will be charged. Exceptions to this may be made in some circumstances at the Team Leader’s discretion.


 Price: $144
MAC clients: $90
*Concession rate available with a My Aged Care referral

For more information

Call 9006 6590, or email us at info@trentwood.org.au

3 people in a Tai Chi class doing the same pose which involves stretching out the right up and putting the left arm in the air. The woman in the middle is wearing blue and has short hair. The woman behind her is wearing pink. The man behind her on the right of the image is wearing grey,

For booking or more information

Please call 9006 6590, or email us at info@trentwood.org.au