Access Health and Community run a number of social support groups for people over 65. These groups provide opportunities to get out and about, to make new friends and to stay socially engaged and active. You can download our brochure with the calendar here.
All programs
Armchair Travel
Travel overseas without leaving your seat! Sit back and enjoy a presentation on a different city or country every month.
Art Appreciation
Get together with like-minded people to share an appreciation of art. All are welcome! Each month will focus on a different artist/s or exhibition, with an interactive presentation where everyone can share their thoughts on the art.
Bus Outing
Day trips to different parts of Greater Melbourne. The trips depart and finish at Heimat Centre- 125 George St, Doncaster East. Please note that you may not attend consecutive trips.
Book Group
Gather to discuss an old favourite or a recent read. Leave with plenty of suggestions to add to your reading list!
Flicks with Friends NEW
Head to Reading Cinemas at Burwood Brickworks to check out one of the latest releases. Afterwards, chat about the movie in a local cafe.
Games with Friends
Play your favourite board or card games in small groups. Games are provided, or you can bring your own.
Enjoying Poetry Together
Poetry enthusiasts read through a number of poems and discuss.
Held at Greythorn Community Hub- 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North
Movie and Discussion
Come together to watch an old favourite, or perhaps a film you have never seen before! Followed by a discussion.
Senior Carers Group
Come together with fellow Carers to discuss your months and provide advice. The activity may include a guest speaker or an outing. Lunch provided.
Social Sing Along
Sing along to a variety of songs, as Ray Stolz provides keyboard accompaniment. Held at Greythorn Community Hub- 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North
Test your general knowledge and puzzle skills in small groups!
Walking Group
Go for a walk around the Manningham area, and finish with a coffee. Locations include Ruffey Lake Park and Mullum Mullum.
You can also download the event calendar.
Monday: Currawong Bush Park Conference Centre- 277-285 Reynolds Rd, Warrandyte
Wednesday: Greythorn Community Hub- 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North
Thursday: Heimat Centre- 125 George St, Doncaster East or Currawong
Friday: Bus Outings depart from Heimat Centre car park
Walking Group rotates between above four locations.
Registering and Cancelling
You must register for each program you wish to attend. You can register by:
- Calling 8595 4596, or
- Emailing
Participants book into programs on an ongoing basis. You must give us at least 48 hours notice if you will not be attending. Late cancellations will be charged. Exceptions to this may be made in some circumstances at the Team Leader’s discretion.
Bus outings are booked on an ad-hoc basis, subject to availability. Bus outings are extremely popular and places are limited. To ensure everyone is able to participate you may not book into consecutive outings.
Programs at Currawong Bush Park will not run on extreme fire days.
Programs are $6 per session.
Senior Carers Group are $16 per session.
Bus outings are $12 per trip, plus the cost of meals.
Invoices are issued monthly.
Exercising Safely
Regular participation in structured exercise is important for maintaining good health but please talk to your doctor before joining our program. You should also consult your health professional if you have been unwell or are returning to exercise following surgery to make sure that you are fit and well enough.
Stop exercising IMMEDIATELY & notify your instructor if you experience discomfort or pain, including chest pain, extreme breathlessness or a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
Here are some tips for participating in an exercise class or walking group:
- Wear comfortable clothing such as shorts and t-shirt, or a tracksuit. Always wear appropriate lace-up shoes.
- Bring along any medication required with your name clearly labelled and make sure it is easily reached.
- Bring along a water bottle, exercise mat and an old towel.
- Come to class on time to participate in the warm-up.
The Walking Group will not run when extreme weather conditions are predicted, including fire danger, temperatures over 35°C, or thunderstorms.
2024 Event Calendar (Apr – Jun)

For booking or more information
Please call (03) 8595 4596,
or email us at