headspace – mental health for young people
headspace Hawthorn, headspace Malvern and headspace South Melbourne provide mental health support and counselling to young people aged 12-25 and their family, friends and carers.

We support young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drugs, as well as work and study support.
We are an inclusive service and a safe space for all young people, family and friends.
About our services
We have a number of services available including:
- youth-friendly doctors (GPs)
- psychology and counselling
- alcohol and drug workers
- family therapy
- relationship counselling
- work and study support
- group programs
- school programs
- and more.
Most of our services are free, and we will ensure that your privacy and confidentiality is maintained and respected.
How do I make an appointment?
To book an appointment, you can:
- call headspace Hawthorn on 9006 6500, headspace Malvern on 9006 6550. or headspace South Melbourne on 8850 4180
- visit the headspace Hawthorn, headspace Malvern or headspace South Melbourne website and complete an online referral form.
If you don’t feel comfortable reaching out by yourself, you can ask a family member, friend, teacher, doctor or someone close to you to make the call with you.
What happens in my first appointment?
We know it can be overwhelming using a service for the first time. We have provided some information so you know what to expect in your first appointment.
In your first appointment, we will take the time to get to know you and hear your story. Your first visit may be in-person, on the phone or by video.
At the first visit, you will:
- complete a brief survey
- talk to a headspace worker
- be given the opportunity to share what’s been impacting your wellbeing in different areas of your life
- talk about goals you might want to work on.
We will talk to you about important topics like your privacy, confidentiality, rights and responsibilities.
For more information
If you would like more information, contact: