How to manage type 2 diabetes

At Access Health and Community, we offer services to support people with diabetes including individual appointments with qualified health professionals who know diabetes.
For information about managing Type 1 diabetes, visit the Diabetes Victoria website.
Get regular diabetes health checks
Staying well with diabetes includes having regular check ups to keep your heart, kidneys, eyes, teeth and feet healthy.
Some people need to monitor their blood glucose levels. Other people have a blood test a few times per year.
Knowing what is right for you and taking action is key to avoiding serious diabetes side-effects.
Our credentialled Diabetes Nurse Educators can:
- Help you understand what diabetes health checks to do and why they are important
- Teach you how to monitor your glucose levels at home and interpret the results
- Explain how your medication works and how to take or use it safely
- Work with you and your doctor to safely adjust medication doses
Make a few diet changes
When you have diabetes, how much you eat, when you eat and the type of carbohydrates you eat are all important.
It’s a myth that you can’t eat carbohydrates if you have diabetes. But it’s essential to choose lower glycaemic index, slower digesting, carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates such as high fibre wholegrain bread, cereal and grains, legumes and lentils, sweet potato and corn, fruit, milk and yoghurt are healthy options.
Adjusting the timing of meals and snacks and the amount you eat, alongside any medication you take can help avoid your blood glucose levels going too high or too low.
You can make simple swaps to a healthier cooking oil, snack on nuts, eat fish and add in extra salad and vegetables. Flavouring food with herbs and spices, choosing lean meat and skinless chicken, and making water your first choice for drinks, can also help your weight and heart health.
A dietitian at Access Health and Community can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to food and drink choices, while also taking into account your likes and dislikes for a balanced approach.
Watch AccessHC dietitian Karen Lovell explain how to eat for diabetes:
Move more, sit less
When your muscles move, they use glucose for energy which can help lower your blood glucose levels. Moving includes everyday activities like gardening and housework or taking stairs instead of the lift, along with planned activities like walking, dancing, bike riding, or swimming.
For best results, include activities that help build muscle strength. A home program, group program or gym program can all give you good results.
To understand what type of exercise and workout intensity is right for you, see an Exercise Physiologist at Access Health & Community. They have the skills to make sure whatever movement you start doing is safe, effective and enjoyable.
We can help you manage diabetes
Access Health and Community’s diabetes team includes:
- Specialist diabetes doctors and nurses who can help you monitor your diabetes, and they provide regular health checks. If you feel that your diabetes book into see them.
- Diabetes Educators provide information about how to manage your diabetes and can help you reduce the risk of complications.
- Our Podiatrists can check the circulation and nerves to your feet. They can also provide you with a foot check and help you with foot care and footwear.
- Our Dietitians can give you Type 2 diabetes meal plan suggestions.
- Our Counsellors can help you and your family adjust to living with diabetes.
- Our can formulate an exercise program to help you stay active.
When should you see a diabetes specialist?
Diabetes is a chronic disease. It can lead to serious complications if left untreated. We have a range of services for diabetic patients that focus on your care and treatment.
View our Diabetes Patient Information brochure to help you manage your care.
Access Health and Community collaborates with the Eastern Health Department of Endocrinology to run the Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment Service (IDEAS) in Doncaster East and Hawthorn. Our Diabetes Specialists are friendly and non-judgmental.
Whatever your concern, we’re happy to help! Book an appointment today.

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It's quick and easy to book online or you can call our friendly intake team on
03 9810 3000. We are here to help.