Home / Services / Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment Service (IDEAS)

Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment Service (IDEAS)

IDEAS is an integrated team care approach to managing Type 2 diabetes. The service supports people to manage their health, reduce the risk of diabetes complications and improve health outcomes.

People with Type 2 diabetes can access comprehensive diabetes care provided by Eastern Health Diabetes Specialist Doctors (Endocrinologists) with the wrap around services of community health, in one place at one time, in partnership with a person’s General Practitioner.  

 Our IDEAS clinics are available at the following locations: 

  • Doncaster East (Tuesday) 
  • Hawthorn (Wednesday) 

How to make a referral

A general practitioner referral is required to attend the IDEAS clinic. 

GPs can submit an e-referral via HealthLink SmartForms or via the HealthLink Portal at their clinic to Eastern Health.  

View the flyer for more information about IDEAS (PDF 181KB) 

IDEAS clinic fees 

Appointments with the diabetes specialist doctors and diabetes key workers are at no out-of-pocket cost if you have a Medicare card. Interpreters can be arranged at no cost to you. 

Our usual means tested fees do apply for extra appointments with allied health professionals such as a diabetes nurse educator, dietitian or podiatrist if you need them. 

1/1020 Doncaster Road Doncaster East VIC 3109
378 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, VIC, 3122, Australia


Please contact us: ideas@accesshc.org.au